Dr. John Schwandt is the founding president of Redemption Seminary. He is committed to developing student centric educational and business models that promote affordable holistic learning that is attentive to students’ specific callings and gifting.
Prior to this role, he served as the Executive Director of Mobile Education for Faithlife. Before coming to Faithlife, he helped launch New Saint Andrews College where he taught the first graduating class and continued to teach (Greek, Latin and New Testament) for 17 years. He has decades of experience teaching online and developing distance educational curricula.
He is the author of a comprehensive beginning Greek grammar, An introduction to Biblical Greek (Lehxam Press, 2020). He was the general editor of the English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament: English Standard Version (Crossway Books, 2006), and he recorded an audio version of the Greek New Testament for the German Bible Society. You have heard his voice if you have clicked on any Greek word to hear it pronounced in Logos Bible Software.