Announcing a new CBTE Community of Practice: Collaboration in learning, experience, and resources

The peer-led CBTE Community of Practice (CoP) supports theological schools and faith-based organizations in the development and continuous improvement of programs applying CBTE principles and practices.

Why a CBTE Community of Practice?

In the last five years since the first CBTE conference was held by Northwest Seminary in Vancouver, BC, hundreds of leaders in theological education have attended annual conferences and ATS workshops on CBTE. Educators have shared that they see logic in the CBTE philosophy, and that the approach offers solutions to challenges commonly experienced in theological education, such as recognition of prior learning, accessibility, formation, field education, etc. However, program development and implementation remains daunting, as each school still has to forge individualized systems, processes and practices.

As the number and variety of theological schools developing and operating CBTE programs grows, there has been an expressed desire from faculty and administrators for a forum to share learning and resources and collaborating on projects of mutual benefit, and a willingness to participate in such a community.


The new CBTE CoP is led by a team that plans and supports events, activities and communications. Its inaugural members are Ruth McGillivray (Northwest Seminary), Greg Henson (Kairos University), Nathan Hitchcock (Sevensided Consulting), Julie Lytle (Bexley Seabury), Susan Reese (Kairos University), and Stephen Graham (ATS). The role of this team is to plan and facilitate CBTE CoP gatherings, collect, curate and assemble information and questions about CBTE, practice CBTE philosophy in their organizations, and coordinate communication with the broader community about CBTE.


The CBTE CoP is open to anyone who wishes to participate. Sign up to receive updates through the Stay Connected page on this site. We also encourage you to join the Engage ATS online community and subscribe to the CBTE community, where CBTE CoP information will also be posted.