
Register here for CBTE 2024 and CBExchange 2024

Registration is managed through the CBExchange website.

CBTE 2024 is a dedicated track within CBExchange 2024. Attend one conference and get the best of two!

Registration Rates

Early Bird RateRegular Rate - After Sept 2
General Attendee










Pre-Conference Sessions will be held on Monday, November 11 for an additional registration fee of $329 for C-BEN Members/$429 non-members.

Cancellations and Refunds

Cancellations and refund requests must be made in writing by October 4, 2024 by contacting [email protected].

For cancellations, a refund of the conference fee, minus a $100 administrative fee per person, will be applied if received by the due date.

NO REFUNDS will be granted for requests emailed after October 4, 2024. The Competency-Based Education Network regrets that refunds will not be given for no-shows. Substitutions for an individual who cannot attend the event will be accepted per the substitution policy.

Substitution Policy

A transfer of your full registration is permitted prior to the conference by submitting your request to [email protected]. Only one transfer is permitted per original registrant. The individual submitting the transfer request is responsible for all financial obligations (any balance due, administrative fees) associated with that substitution. Badge sharing, splitting and reprints are strictly prohibited.

CBEN Membership

Click here to learn more about becoming a C-BEN member. Members receive a conference discount.